
Showing posts with the label Sealed Pot

Still Here

I can't tell you how many times we've started writing about various things, but have had to stop due to lots of things going on... We have lots of draft posts, some with a few photos & no words, some with just a title & a line or two... It's quite a few, but neither of us seems to find time to get them finished & after several weeks the desire to share those photos or ideas just fades & we move on to the next thing. Some days are just so crazy... Getting up at 6.30am to prepare breakfast for guests, then doing a full day's clean, returning at about 5.30pm, cooking dinner, eating with our guests & more often than not - chatting away until late, washing up & finally falling into bed at around 1am... I don't know how we do it, but we do.  The one thing we are doing right this year is making sure that we have 2 days off from going out to work, which is great - though frustrating for some of our customers who desperately want us to work ...

It's Complicated

We were going to be having a New Year holiday with the kidlets... All of us are saving, but Sal has a new job in Bristol & she can't get time off over the Christmas/New Year period, so it looks like it will have to be during February half term next year. The new plan is for the rest of us to go up to Bristol over New Year for a few days, so we'll see what happens... We are really upset with ourselves, as we've been so busy that we've forgotten not only several friends' birthdays, but also Grandad Gerry's (Sime's Dad) birthday too... All within the last couple of weeks, we can't believe it! So we need to make amends & hopefully will find gifts in Truro tomorrow, though our time is limited - we're running the home education group until 3pm & have to be at our local transition meeting at 7.30pm. Then we have 3 full days of work...  It's all systems go, as usual!    I can't ever remember being so busy at this time of y...

Up North Kids

Hello! After a hectic week, we have arrived in Stoke... We are here with 2 of the 5 kidlets, Rose & Asa. Sal & Ryan couldn't get any time off & Hugo is with friends because he has his circus show on for the next week - he texted earlier to say the first performance went fine & although they made mistakes - the audience didn't notice! It should be nicely polished by the time we see the last show next Sunday... Just want to say thank you to Amy, who is looking after the kitties - meaning they've been able to stay at home (they hate catteries) & this makes us really happy! So we're now off to eat & tomorrow we shall be visting our folks... It's Sealed Pot Sunday & if you check out  Saving For Travel  - you'll be able to read how well everyone is doing, including us. It's not too late to join in... Hope you enjoy the music - We love Papa M, his records keep us company on most road trips! Kay & Sime ...

Heartlands, Carn Brea & Sealed Pot Sunday!

Heartlands & Carn Brea , a set on Flickr. Hi Folks, Hugo's circus group are hotting up their rehearsals ready for a week of shows starting next Sunday, so today we dropped him off at the venue, Heartlands & as it was our first visit - we enjoyed a look around & catching up with friends. We then decided to head up to Carn Brea , a place we've been meaning to visit for the last 10 years, so as it's on the doorstep of Heartlands - it was the perfect opportunity, although the freezing cold wind got a bit too much! We're linking up with Saving For Travel for Sealed Pot Sunday, as we're spending the next 12 months saving for a holiday with the kidlets in December 2013. You may remember we started with £10 & have decided to pay into the pot each time we save, instead of spending. We managed to add £14 from an old tub I'd started saving a few years ago, Sime put in a £1 instead of buying a second hand travel guide from the library. Last night, ...

Our Sealed Pot

Our Sealed Pot , a photo by thesmithsontour on Flickr. Today we are linking up with  Saving For Travel . A year's worth of saving begins & this will be the spending money for our December 2013 holiday with the kidlets... We've not quite decided where we're going yet, but it will probably be for a week & just before Christmas. Scandinavia & New York have been suggested, but not sure whether Momma & Popsy's funds will stretch that far... We shall see! We have decided to also include money we save, instead of spend... On Tuesdays we sometimes go for a coffee, but instead the money has gone into the pot... We didn't have a £5 note, so we've started our pot with £10! Thank you all for your comments on the previous post - we'll send replies probably tomorrow now, as it's dinner time! Bye for now & happy saving to those joining in!!! Kay & Sime xx