
Showing posts with the label Natural Health

Keeping Well

  I like to take responsibility for my own health and believe that our reaction to a virus depends on the condition of our immune system. If it isn't tip-top then we will be susceptible to any germs going, but if we look after ourselves then we can avoid getting ill or at least reduce the impact. Of course, if you listen to today's medical experts you will see things differently, but bear in mind these guys have been trained by the big pharmaceutical industries who want to make mega bucks from their wares, so it's in their interests to fund and build medical schools to steer the minds of those who are drawn to the profession. I'm afraid I don't trust any of them, even if their intentions are well meaning. I love the books of the old doctors, those who used their intuition to assist people to heal, who learnt from their ancestors and understood the power we all have to heal ourselves.  It's been a while since I had a cold, but after a nasty mosquito (I presume) b...

10 Things To Avoid Before It's Too Late

  One thing we learn from spending time with older folks is how NOT to live! We are well aware that we are not like most people and our views on life are probably very different, but is it not weird that so many people happily follow the path of many others? All with similar jobs, houses, cars, clothes...all influenced by something they’ve seen on TV or read in a magazine. Groups of similar aged people all wanting the same; conforming to what they feel is expected of them without question. We can only imagine what it is like to feel the sort pressure that would make someone want what others have and slipping into a strange world where everyone is the same. We only catch glimpses of these lives and from where we are standing the results are not looking good. There are many lists out there for improving lives with recommendations for happy and healthy retirements; most of them are quite twee and superficial, so we thought people need to know what not to do!!! Without furthe...


Do you live in fear of growing old, of becoming ill and dying?  Or do you enjoy your life; living with purpose and seeing the beauty all around you? Our work has evolved in the last year and has taken us on a path which felt right...caring for others.  Going into the homes of older people who have needed help and human contact.  We started with 2 clients, people we have been supporting with housework and pet care for many years and as the months ticked by, they both asked if we would go into various friends too. We are now working pretty much full time, doing whatever is needed...housework, gardening, dog walking, food preparation, sometimes just sitting and chatting over a cuppa.  We feel we have calmed those who were fearful and helped them to see things more logically...there is little virus here in Cornwall and it is very doubtful anyone will catch it while sitting in their house. Those who had become frightened of the outside world, have now started going out ag...

Journey To Gut Health

We are living in a time when seemingly healthy people are susceptible to germs, disease and even die. We often hear of the shock family and friends feel when their loved ones depart this world..."they were so fit and healthy”! What most people don’t realise is that exercising and calorie counting doesn’t necessarily make you healthy and it is a combination of things that cause dis-ease. Those underlying problems may just be simmering away and if you are busy, work long hours and have a stressful job – you probably won’t even notice. Most illnesses will come along because of a build up of toxins in the body over a number of years, which is why it usually hits us in our 40s... from eating a poor diet full of processed foods, large quantities of animal protein, fats, dairy and foods sprayed with nasty chemicals. Top this off with living in a polluted city or large town, along with being employed in a job with many rules, regulations and other people and you have the perfect ingre...