
Showing posts with the label Community


We are pet sitting on Dartmoor again. We love the bleak and wild countryside, the beauty and being surrounded by the quiet nature. This stunning house we are in for the wee k is very comfortable with all mod cons, it is incredibly warm with ground source heating, solar panels and huge south facing windows in the sunroom.  Our home for over 4 years has been like living in one big sunroom and we can't imagine ever choosing to live anywhere gloomy. When the sky is clear the cabin fills with sunshine through the day and moonlight at night. We don't have curtains and only 3 low energy lightbulbs, so we rely on natural light. It's always a shock when we go to somewhere with bright artificial lights and find ourselves itching to get out. We like a quiet, simple life - nothing brash, bright and loud, just peace and harmony.  This year we have decided to leave the farm.  It's time for some adventures; to travel and possibly find another place to be. We would like a motorhome aga...

Return To Nature

We take much pleasure in this view...The gateway to our plot. Yesterday we had a lazy day, after a few days of being on hand 24 hours a day supporting a client. We have spent time looking at the garden and thinking about our plans for the little caravan, which was originally used (by the previous dwellers) as guest accommodation.  We would like to eventually wood-clad it and use as a potting shed, freeing up the workshop for other things and as the farm has a hostel and camping field, any folks wishing to stay have those options instead of this little caravan, but we would highly recommend a visit because it really is a lovely place to be. Have a little look at  Holifield Hostel   It was built by the community using reclaimed wood from Falmouth Docks and we believe it's going to become a very popular holiday destination, especially as it's already getting booked for the summer! If you are planning a trip to Cornwall - come and see will of course not only be immer...


  At what point in history did we start putting our elderly relatives into care homes? As I write, I have no way of internet to help research and Sime’s still snoozing, well it is only 6:30 and dark - most people are asleep, but I woke with this thought and no doubt I have written something along these lines before. Having cared for both my Grandmother (Nan) and Sime’s Mum (Bebe) and knowing how difficult it was especially with Bebe as her dementia progressed...I was thinking about how families managed before care homes. Certainly in the UK, we have become quite disconnected from our older generation and it seems that their opinions are no longer valued by younger generations. How differently we live today and yet Nan grew up surrounded by family, cousins in the same street or just around the corner. Neighbours were like extended family and everyone helped each other - taking care of the children and keeping an eye on aging grandparents. Lives were entwined. Young ...

The Important Things

We are probably in a minority of people who hope that life will never return to the way it was. We hope that people learn to be resilient and stop being materialistic. Stop flying all over the world and stop shopping in supermarkets. We would love to see people support local small businesses, watch their children thrive without government indoctrination, continue to unschool and slow there really any need to work so much? Think about what you want to do with your life and if another pandemic happens in the future - where would you like to be? We can highly recommend living simply, sharing with others in a community.  Learning from each other, helping and supporting each other.  Life really doesn't need to be a struggle - it can be wonderful, just set the intention and if you are living in an unhappy situation, work out a plan to make your life better.  If we can do it...then anyone can! We are very grateful to be here and to have a lo...