You Can Choose


Are you living your best possible life?

"You grow old when you lose interest in life, when you cease to dream, to hunger after new truths, and to search for new worlds to conquer. When your mind is open to new ideas, new interests, and when you raise the curtain and let in the sunshine and inspiration of new truths of life and the universe, you will be young and vital."

~ Joseph Murphy ~

In our little world we see much beauty and try to take time to enjoy the simplicity in our lives.
We love the flexibility and variety of our business and feel good about doing what we do.
Working with people and animals is definitely our thing.

Earlier in the year we considered taking on extra cleaning work, though neither of us really wanted to venture down that road. We were looking at ways of increasing our income, but we have no desire to clean up after tourists anymore - we did it for many years and are happier now that our business has evolved to focus more on people and animals rather than housekeeping. 

Instead, we decided to work on manifesting abundance and recently we joined in with an abundance challenge...which we ended up putting the brakes on as we were suddenly bombarded with so many offers of work, that we've had to turn some of them down as we can't fit it all in!!! 

It never ceases to amaze us that we can alter our lives with thought, that we are powerful enough to make things happen and create exactly what we want. We all have this ability, but many of us are better at creating the opposite...manifesting exactly what we don't want because we have a tendency to dwell on the negative. For us, writing down or drawing a positive outcome and saying a daily mantra just helps to shift us back into a better frame of mind and once we're back in the flow - life becomes abundant and bright. 

We both feel that we have journeyed through a murky wood during these last few years, but we are definitely out the other side and we continue to learn and grow. We have done so much work on ourselves internally and discovered how suppressed childhood trauma and grief can affect our physical health. It's taken some time to move through all this, but it has been a massive healing journey. We have both gained so much understanding and continue to do so. We are lucky to have wonderful people and animals around us and to feel the love and support. 

Taking time to heal is the important thing and giving ourselves space to allow our bodies to get on with the job. Do you handover your health for others to work on or do you connect with the right people to guide you in the art of self-healing? Working on the gut is always the place where we begin when there is an imbalance. Nourishing foods, herbs and supplements can get the process started, while working on changes in thought patterns. It all takes time, but it doesn't's good to go with the flow.

Getting out in nature is restorative and we try to spend time in woodlands a few times a week. We have made many discoveries, beautiful and ancient places and it still blows our minds that even though it's getting busy with holidaymakers here in Cornwall - we can still find endless quiet spots for ourselves.

We can all choose how we live and when we become open and receptive to new opportunities and feel the gratitude for everything good in our lives - we find a shift happens. 

 We feel some changes are coming our way and are looking forward to what comes up...

Exciting times ahead!

Lots of love,
Kay and Sime


  1. To explore the woods, to hear the natural sounds and smell the damp earth and foliage, under the dappled shade, with a loyal dog at your side. What could be more uplifting to the spirits ❤️


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Kay and Sime

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