Animal Attraction

It has been over six months since our last proper pet sit and for no reason other than all our regular clients decided to stay at home over the winter. Financially it's been quite a blow, but we have come to realise that neither of us are drawn to doing holiday let cleaning nor happy to work as employees anymore - it's just not for us and instead, we have made it through the last few months being more frugal than ever and with a little help from our friends - who we are incredibly grateful to! Most of all though, we have missed spending time in the company of all our animal friends, which is the thing that really makes our hearts sing, so now we are here with one of our favourite chums...

We adore this beautiful buddy and we have settled into our lives together, even though her routine is no doubt quite different with us...she remembers everything. 
We do see her regularly throughout the year and whenever possible we take her out, but life is much nicer when we are together for a few days or weeks. 

She loves our early morning rambles...we leave Sime in bed and quietly venture out for a mooch around the village, her favourite time of day for sniffing everything! Yesterday, we returned and went straight out to one of the local beaches. We wanted to make the most of the dry morning and low tide. We were also treated to a bit of sunshine, which was lovely.

Getting to the beach so early in the day, meant that it was fairly quiet and as time moved on - it did get busier, which is nice as we always meet interesting people here and it was on this beach last year when a dog ran up to us for a fuss and we were told that she never does that...her companion went on to say that we were giving off a beautiful energy and they were compelled to interact with us! Well, this seems to happen a lot here - is it something to do with the beach, the area or us? Whatever it is - there is a warmth and  fuzziness which leaves us feeling invigorated.

We both feel like we totally unwind on our pet sits, life becomes so simple - mainly walking, eating, reading and snuggling. We don't need to set the alarm or show up at certain times. We are very aware of how we slow down and enjoy being present. The wise people who talk about being in the moment, know how easy it is when you are experiencing bliss and gratitude...we totally agree! It's a mind set, the way we see things when in holiday mode and we are definitely more relaxed; so much so that we don't even care that it's raining every day at the moment, it really doesn't matter because if feels like we're on holiday and it's wonderful. 

Are you doing the things that bring you joy?

It's taken a long time for us to really get it and we are very much still on our journey, but for now - we are where we want to be.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Love Kay and Sime xx


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Kay and Sime

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