
We are spending a week on Dartmoor again at one of our regular pet sits - taking care of the usual menagerie...

Along with this lovely chap - who is staying with the gang temporarily and we have come to adore him.

Being professional pet sitters means we can only leave the animals for up to 3 hours per day, which suits us fine as we are content being here and pottering about. We have visited The Beehive Farm shop in Chagford and the Zero Waste shop in Moretonhampstead. Both shops are great for us and nice that they are close by.

As well as feeding all the animals, walking the dogs and generally keeping an eye on them all, we are enjoying cooking simple meals, reading, sitting by the fire and watching YouTube videos of folks building and renovating small houses in remote places! 

It has mainly rained since we arrived with just yesterday being dry, which was nice! Amazingly, we've only got a thorough soaking once and seem to be quite intuitive regards venturing out and have mostly chosen the right times to dodge the torrential downpours. There's a storm coming in again tonight, so it will be noisy with the wind and rain battering the wooden lodge we are staying in, but we both love extreme weather and we have plenty of wood for the fire. 

We've had time to watch on many occasions this week the fast moving clouds bringing rain. We've sat on the bench outside and listened to the wind building up and seen a huge amount of leaves fall from the tall Silver Birch trees. 

We are up early each morning dealing with all the animals and have breakfast when all the chores are done. So our first meal of the day is around 10am and our last one is usually over by 6pm. We have 2 shots of our homemade mate tea and turmeric kombucha a day and at the moment we are going through an alcohol free period. It feels good and by the way...have we said how much we love this life? Well, we do! 

Lots of love,

Kay and Sime



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Kay and Sime

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