Clive's Pies


It's not often that we big up a food company, but since sampling a few pies from Clive's range we felt that we should extoll the virtues of these delicious products. We've been vegan for a long time now and it's commonplace to find plant based foods in most outlets, of course this doesn't mean that they are all nutritious and of good quality - you have to sort the wheat from the chaff. 

We took a chance on a couple of Clive's pies some time ago when we discovered our then local wholefood store, Archie Brown's in Truro stocked them. We each tried their creamy mushroom pies and loved them...really tasty, well filled and with a good crust. We are not huge fans of pastry, so were pleasantly surprised as to how good they were. We dipped our vegan toes into the Clive's portfolio and were rewarded with pies of consistently good quality. Other brands we've tried have been a bit hit and miss in terms of taste and consistency, but Clive's hit the mark every time. We thought it would be nice to write to the company and say how much we like their products. They replied with a lovely message and sent us a selection of their goodies - see photos. What a lovely thing to do. 

We are gradually making our way through these delicious pastries...

Red Pepper Harissa Quiche

We enjoyed half a quiche each with our homemade potato salad, stir-fried greens and olives. It has a nice spicy kick.

We shared these pies - half each with our leftover stew and rice!
It's the first time we've had the Coronation Chickpea and we loved it.

Today for lunch we have shared the Broccoli and Pesto Quiche...

Along with the nut roast...

Served with miso and lemon stir-fried veggies. 

If you do come across a Clive's Pie (the puff pies are our favourites), we would definitely recommend popping it in your basket and enjoy on its own or like us with some steamed or stir-fried organic veggies. Cruelty free foods made with love in Devon...Bliss. 💚💚

Enjoy and lots of love,

Kay and Sime




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