Creeping and Going


More pics of our wild garden.
We are going with the flow and creating little pockets of growing areas without getting concerned about timings; happy to just see what happens.

Sweetpeas along the path to the cabin.

We have around 30 tomato plants, which we have repotted for now and they continue to live in the workshop until the posts for the polytunnel/greenhouse come to us...which they will!

Creating another no dig area.

We have lots of fruit vines, which we are gradually getting tied up.
The bees are loving the wild flowers, so we are leaving them in place.

Floober Toobs overseeing everything in his most regal way.

Not easy to see on this photo, but the Globe Artichoke is looking quite magnificent and is already over 6 feet tall. 

We have lots of raspberries and red campions fast taking over the chard and kale area, but we seem to be still getting some nice edible greens, so we are happy.

Yesterday was very hot and having a south facing garden means there is only shade early morning and evening...lovely to chill out amongst the greenery last night!

Love Kay and Sime 


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