Cabin Life

We have been in the cabin for 4 months and it is wonderful to think that we are just a few weeks away from spring, not that we are wishing our lives away - because we absolutely love this cosy little place and as serial hibernators, we are very happy to be warm and snug.

Choosing to live simply has exceeded our expectations and we have been on this journey since leaving Meadowcroft 4 years ago. 
Our time at Cotna Eco Retreat gave us a great grounding and enabled us to start preparing for this...outdoor facilities, mud and nature! 
Simple rural living can be a challenge in the winter, but we are strong and more resilient than ever, which feels so good. We are doing exactly what we have dreamed of for many years...

One of many lovely messages left behind by the previous cabin dwellers.

Here we keep our recipe and natural health books...we are very passionate about food and nutrition, as you may know and seeing this message everyday has probably had quite an impact on us. 

Like many people, we have had quite a financial knock this past year - but we have somehow let go of our attachment to money and instead we are focusing on helping others. In wishing for this, we are now doing it more and more. 

We are very happy to be of service to those who need our help and in the last 12 months, we have gone from 2 clients to 7 and know that we will continue being in demand, as so many folks are becoming desperate for some kind of assistance. 

Our Rose started making us a business website, but we've not got around to finishing it off - we will do at some point. Our aim is to expand and offer some work to our kidlets and fellow farm dwellers - it would be great to set up an informal befriending/companion scheme, but right now - we are keeping busy and it's all through word of mouth.

Happy Floobs - getting his face in the morning sunlight.

Tiky would love to get closer to Floobs, he really looks up to him and wants to hang out - though realises that Floobs is quite elderly...and sometimes grumpy.

Tiky helping with my morning Tibetan Rites.

We've had so much torrential rain over the last few weeks and seemingly always when we are at home, so when a brief sunny period presents itself - we get out in the garden!

We have several growing areas dotted around and need to do lots of clearing, but we are very excited to be coming up with ideas. We have already ordered lots of organic seeds and look forward to our quirky garden being abundant in veggies, fruit and flowers.

Some of the winter veggies already in the garden (purple-sprouting broccoli, kale, kohlrabi and chard) which may be coming to an end very soon, but we have weeded around them and continue to eat them.

Sime picks up lots of free wood for the wood stove and this entails a few trips up and down from the cabin to the off the beaten track can also be a challenge, especially when it is raining.
This wood needed to be dried out in the sun before it could be cut up and stored. 

We realise our simple and frugal life would not suit everyone, but we love it - what we have created is just perfect for us.

Hope you've enjoyed this catch up!

Love Kay and Sime xx


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Kay and Sime

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