Complimentary Cabin Kitty
This is our new
friend Tiky, we agreed to become his guardians when we took on the cabin, but
as usual with us...his name has morphed and over the weeks he has become known
as Tickety Boo!
This beautiful chap
is such a sweet natured kitty, who has calmly put up with the upheavel of his
family leaving, spent 2 weeks more or less living in the workshop and to top it
all – these strangers move in and with another cat!!!
We are so happy that
he has accepted us all...he and Floober (our old boy, Flea) growled a couple of
times at each other while eating and now are happy to be close and can even be
left together in the cabin for many hours.
It’s funny really, we
had both decided a while ago that we would not be taking any more cats in...but
we agreed to having Tiky without hesitation.
Our unexpected bonus.
How lucky we are to be sharing our lives with yet another gentle soul.
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Kay and Sime