Time For Change

New opportunities have presented themselves again and the time has come for us to move on.

Since coming to Cornwall in 2002, we have lived in some amazing homes and have promised ourselves over the years that we will continue to stay and live in places with beautiful views.

We love the view from the kitchen door here and this will always stay with us...especially early mornings and seeing the sunrise.

This year has been quite wonderful for us...being in the right place at the right time. 
We have found joy in gardening...preparing beds, growing vegetables and fruit, as well as clearing and weeding. 
Enjoying the peace of the Cornish countryside, connecting with nature and continuing to slow down. 
We are both absolutely committed to this way of life...living simply and eating well. 

With this in mind, we are moving again - staying in Cornwall and becoming the new guardians of a quirky little cabin in a community of lovely folks. We are looking forward to having our own little space with a south facing veg plot.

We will continue to support our older clients who will no doubt need us more than ever and we will remain our usual cheerful selves...we can all rise above the present situation. 
Be in nature, meditate, seek out like-minded people who make you feel good, be grateful for every little thing and lastly...

Make time for love, snuggles and cuddles.

Research Oxytocin and Cortisol...everyone needs love and hugs!

We are greeted by our furry friend Mabel with lots of affection when we visit her each week. 
Our animal friends bring so much joy to our lives, so make sure you find time to be with them.

Lots of love, Kay and Sime xx



  1. Wishing you all the luck, health, happiness and joy in the world. Simplicity the best way. Take care Pattypan x

  2. Thank you Pattypan!

    Hope you are well!

    K&S xx


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Kay and Sime

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