New Home

For some strange reason Blogger has decided to censor this lovely quote from James Allen...
If anyone out there can tell us why, we would be very grateful.
Cherish your visions; 
Cherish your ideals; 
Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, 
The beauty that forms in your mind, 
The loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, 
For out of them will grow all delightful conditions, 
All heavenly environment; 
Of these, if you but remain true to them, 
Your world will at last be built.
~ James Allen ~

We have written many posts about how we have always spent time together "scheming an' a dreaming".
We still have the book we wrote our list of 101 goals from over 10 years ago and we are always pleasantly surprised when we dig it out that we can tick off a few more!

Amongst the completed goals we have:
Live by the sea 
Own a house in France
Live on a mountain
Live in a wooden house
Grow our own vegetables

Recently, we thought again about living in a wood cabin...influenced by childhood TV shows like "Little House on The Prairie" and many westerns, we dreamt up our ideal home. 
We each drew pictures and described our visions.
A simple wood cabin in it's own grounds with wood burning stove, French windows opening out to a vegetable garden and with a workshop either attached or on the land.

Two weeks later, this vision became reality...we had not expected it to arrive this quickly, but it did and we are very happy.

This way of life wouldn't be for everyone and most people will think we are crazy for not striving "bigger and better", but we are choosing elegant connect with nature, live simply, be of service to others, as well as live and work in a community. 
Our life journey continues to evolve and we have become great at adapting to change.

We are looking forward to making new friends, sharing and learning new skills. 
Our youngest kidlets will also be our neighbours, which is going to be quite wonderful...there is very much a feeling of finding our tribe and being home.

Love Kay and Sime xx



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