Embracing Life at Home

We realise just how lucky we are to be living in the countryside.
Lockdown for us is quite different and although, like lots of other people, we have lost the majority of our income - we find it easy to adapt and already live very frugally...
Our work on the outside world has reduced to one day a week and instead, we are able to help out on the farm in return for rent and some food.

We have an organic veg and fruit box still being delivered to supplement what is available here and have no need to venture out to supermarkets or nearby towns. Those of you who know us are probably aware that we are not big supermarket shoppers anyway, so we feel no loss for them. 

We don't have a freezer and cook from scratch, often making extra for the next day. 
We eat simply...oats for breakfast, homemade sourdough for lunch and usually rice, quinoa or very occasionally pasta for dinner. All served with fresh veggies and pulses. Easy.

 We've already dried a jar full of young nettles for our morning tea...

 We enjoy lots of quiet time writing and reading, as well as snuggles with Floober.

 Eating outside...

And sitting in the sun!

We are in touch with family and friends on a regular basis, but we are also privileged to have a farm family, who we get to spend time with too...a lovely group of humans and animals who brighten our days!

Do let us know how you are doing too.

Love Kay and Sime


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