Vegan Pizza Night In

Day 7 of  World Vegan Month and our last night in France for this year, so we decided to treat ourselves to a vegan pizza....
With onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, artichokes, olives and potatoes.

We are now staying near to Roscoff in Brittany and will be taking the ferry to Plymouth tomorrow. 

The pizza came from a pizza emporter in St Pol de Leon, a few minutes from where we are staying - another lovely place...and the owners lit the wood burner before our arrival, which we were thrilled with, as it feels so much colder up here...but at least the cabin is toasty!

We will take some photos of the place tomorrow in the light.

It's always a joy to be back in Brittany, having spent a winter here some years ago - we know it very well and love it's uniqueness.

Visiting the monument for the Breton Resistance Fighters.

Love Kay and Sime xx


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