Simple Broccoli Dish

We have travelled from the Auvergne, through the Loire and are now on the south east edge of Brittany in a lovely space.

Finding places with kitchens is always important, as we like to cook!

Tonight's dinner was fresh organic broccoli from the Biocoop, which we steamed for 5 minutes, then fried with 5 cloves of garlic and 1 red onion in soy sauce with dried basil and black pepper.
We also added a tin of mixed beans and sweetcorn and finished with the juice of half a lemon.

We served it with last night's leftover tabbouleh and a mixed salad.

It's always good to have an opportunity to cook when travelling and it doesn't have to be difficult or long-winded.

This place is perfect and it's obvious that the owners are enthusiastic cooks themselves, as the kitchen is well-equipped! 

Another nice space to be! 

This is Day 5 of World Vegan Month.

Love Kay and Sime xx


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