Apple Harvest Compote

 World Vegan Month Day 17.

The last of the apples have been harvested today at Cotna and will be mainly used for making juice and cider.
Sime collected a few for our use too and I got to work...
 I simmered 400g of apples with 10 chopped dates and a small knob of ginger for about 10 minutes.
Then strained the mixture and added a good sprinkle of cinnamon, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and the juice of half a lemon.
 Whizzed it all up...

 until it was nice and smooth.

 The mixture fills a 500ml jar and will last for a week in the fridge.

It's nice as a cereal topping or in plain soya yogurt and of course, we like a couple of dollops on our porridge!

Love Kay and Sime xx


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Kay and Sime

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