Finding Joy In Frugality

"It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly." 
~ Bertrand Russell~

Buying our French house was a dream come true for us and something we have talked and blogged about a lot since we started out with Just Humans Being.

We stopped buying trivial stuff years ago and instead focused on what we really wanted...A tiny house in France and a decent energy efficient car to travel in. 
Our plan finally materialised last year and it fills us with joy that we made this happen.
We intend to "creep and go" with regards to furniture and any decorating, as most of you know - we rarely rush into anything!

On our recent visit, we bought a second hand table and chairs from a wonderful resource centre - La Ressourcerie du Pont in Le Vigan. We had visited twice before on previous trips to the Cevennes, but never found what we wanted, but it felt very important for us to support the centre, as they are such a wonderful community resource. 
We very nearly left the centre empty handed again, but a lovely chap called Albert who was helping us to look (the place is huge) suddenly remembered that a table fitting our description had been delivered that morning...
It was and is perfect, we then found 2 chairs to go with it - a bargain at £30 for it all!

Buying second hand has been a way of life for many years, so we are pleased that we could do this in France and that it's not just from an antiques dealer or a street market. 

Next up will be a bed, or maybe just a comfy roll mat and a wood burning stove.
We are eager to keep the house simple, a place to chill out and relax. 
Free from fancy electrical appliances, TV and internet.

While there last week, we camped in our tent on the mezzanine platform and we'll be happy to continue doing so until the right bed or mattress comes along.

The house is like a little cave which opens out to a beautiful 180 degree view.
Our days are spent appreciating every moment - enjoying that view, watching the weather, chatting with our neighbours, walking and driving around the mountain roads. 
We cook simple meals, read, write and sleep.

What more could we possibly want? 

Love Kay and Sime xx


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Kay and Sime

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