Simple Ecology
We need to understand that all species are related to each other, all of us have evolved together. The sun heats the soil, the soil feeds the trees, the trees feed the birds, the rain feeds the trees. All beings nourish each other. This is ecology.
~Satish Kumar~
Read more here: Caring For Our Planet
We desperately need to take care of our environment, to cherish and be grateful for what we have.
The rate of consumerism cannot be sustained and the mess it is creating for pure greed is absolutely insane.
Is it possible for folks to stop striving for bigger and better everything?
To be content living simply, finding pleasure from being creative instead of buying stuff.
How would you feel about changing the way you live?
Could you stop buying from supermarkets or large stores and instead buy from local independent producers?
Could you stop buying new stuff like clothes, household furniture and appliances, but look at repairing or buying second hand instead?
Could you stop flying and going on cheap package holidays and look at more creative "time out" ideas?
Satish Kumar's latest book Elegant Simplicity: The Art of Living Well is about creating a sustainable world by simplifying our lives and finding real joy in doing so.
We need meaningful relationships to enable us to live simply.
To care and look out for each other, share practical skills, learn and work together.
Living this way would mean not needing as much money, slowing down, working less and having time to celebrate the good life!
Here is the full article the above quote is from: Elegant Simplicity and Right Relationship
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