Porridge Recipe

As a lot of people know, we love our porridge and eat it every day.
We are often asked for the recipe and have probably shared it on here many times, but as we do constantly seem to tweak the ingredients - we thought we would share it again, so here is our current recipe. 
We use all organic ingredients too! 💚

Porridge Recipe
Serves 2
Place all the ingredients in a large saucepan.
100g/4oz oats 
1 teaspoon ground rosehips

1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground dried seaweed (we use kelp)
2 heaped tablespoons of a ground seed mix (we usually grind 1 tbsp linseeds and 1 tsp each hemp, chia and pumpkin)
1 tablespoon dried fruit
2 tablespoons fresh berries (we use blueberries, blackberries or blackcurrants) 
1 or 2  chopped apples (with skin left on)
2 chopped bananas
Approx 1 litre cold water

1 heaped tsp blackstrap molasses (add to the porridge before serving)

Heat slowly, adding half of the water and stirring every few minutes - you may need to add extra water as the porridge thickens. If the porridge starts to stick, add a drop of boiling water and just keep simmering gently for around 20 minutes. If the porridge is bubbling, turn the heat right down. 
Once it's ready, serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg, a splash of maple syrup or a splodge of jam and some plant milk. 

Kay & Sime xx
Instagram: @thesmithsontour
Facebook: @justhumansbeing


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