Calmness and Discipline

"Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control.
It's presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought."
~ James Allen ~

As August was coming to an end last year, we decided to make September a month of gratitude - writing down 10 things to be grateful for every day.
It proved to be such a powerful thing to do that we've kept it going.
Every night before going to bed, we compile our list together.
At first, we were writing about all the big stuff happening in our lives and as time has gone on, we've found ourselves noticing all the little things too and just how quickly these come to mind.

The list writing quickly became a habit, it's the last thing we do after cleaning our teeth and it feels so good to do every night.
Our mornings also start with even more good habitual routines...meditation, our Tibetan Rites exercises and a pot of loose herbal tea.
We are both calmer and genuinely appreciate everything in our lives.

We continue to work hard - taking care of people and their properties, but we are working less, having more fun and life is continuing to be an incredible adventure!

We are already embarking on a new chapter - continuing to be based at Cotna for the time being, whilst also spending time at our new home in France...It took over 2 years to purchase our tiny mountain house, but we remained calm and focused and finally got there and it is wonderful.

We look forward to sharing more of this beautiful place. 
We are fast falling more in love with the region and the people.
We are working on improving our French to enable us to converse properly with our lovely neighbours and hear their wonderful stories of life in the mountains.

Bye for now,

K&S xx


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