A Year Of Wonder

What an incredible year we have had...

We downsized to spend 12 months in a sweet little house with the most stunning views of the sea.

We were treated to an amazing holiday in Canada, thanks to our kind and beautiful friend Richard...

It was fantastic to spend time with Richard and his fabulous family... 
We adore them all very much and will always be grateful to him for his incredible generosity!

We had lots of new work opportunities come our way, which have kept us extremely busy and have enabled us to continue living here - The price for a bit of luxury!
We now work in more stunning properties and we also spent the summer season at the youth hostel with a lovely team...

All the kidlets are happy living their alternative lives... 
2 of them own a caravan, 2 of them live in that caravan, 2 of them gave up their flat to do a long term house sit and all of them have exciting plans ahead.

We have come to realise that for us, our sea view isn't worth the hard work and what we both really want is to live somewhere we can feel at home, where we can relax, be comfortable and our rent will go towards projects which matter to us - green electricity, organic food and teaching others about sustainable living.
Our next place ticks all these boxes and more.

We are moving to a nearby smallholding, which is owned by friends and has featured several times on our blog. We are looking forward to being outdoors, learning more about growing food and living simply on the land. We will be sharing part of our living space with WWOOFERs - which will be nice, as we loved being WWOOF hosts when we first moved to Cornwall.
Being surrounded by like-minded people is going to be such a treat, sharing our skills and helping each other... This is the way we want to live.

Little did we know 6 years ago that we would eventually live in this barn!!!

We are now starting to pack our things and will no doubt be happily giving more of our belongings away over the next two weeks... Less is definitely a better way to be.

Happy Bunnies!!!

Bye for now.

Kay and Sime


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