Be Inspired #3

We recently watched a wonderful film about Jhamtse Gatsal - The Garden Of Love And Compassion and the Buddhist Monk, Lobsang Phuntsok who decided to build a safe and educational haven for many underprivileged children living in poverty in the Bhutan/Tibet area.

This man is such an inspiration, the way in which he genuinely cares for the children and is dedicating his life to making a massive difference to so many.

Please do read all about it here...Tashi And The Monk and watch the Film Here for free... 

Perhaps it will inspire you to think more about ways to give and help others and to understand the positive impact giving makes on not only those you wish to help, but your life too!

And there's more...
Becoming Minimalist - 9 Ways Generous People See The World Differently.

It really does get quite addictive - but in a very nice way!!!


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