The Art of Laughter

You only have to do a quick search on the internet to see that laughter is becoming big business. There are clubs, online courses and therapists dishing out ideas to bring laughter into your life... 

How bizarre is that? 

People need to be taught how to laugh and of the health benefits it brings, which incidentally are huge - but what has happened? Why don't folks know how to laugh? It is such a basic instinct and yet, we're not doing it... Well we do, but lots of you don't. 
We know how our mental health influences our physical health, so no wonder laughter is now seen as an important ingredient for  healing illness. 

There is so much fun to be had if you spend time with people who make you laugh, so if you're not getting enough - seek out others who share the same sense of humour, who can help you change and before you know it...
 You'll be enjoying a good belly laugh every day, crying with laughter and feeling so much better. We're sure you could even reverse ageing if you laugh more! 

We've always laughed lots, so maybe that's why we've never grown up... We still play pranks on each other and on friends who share our sense of humour (Sime is the master of pranks), we still jump out or creep up on each other and love it when there's dressing up clothes to try on at National Trust properties, much to other people's awkwardness - we always ask someone to take a photo of us and they clearly think we're insane...

They could very well be right!

Kay and Sime


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