Purposefully Living

How long have we dreamed of buying a place in France? 
Of living in the mountains?
Probably ever since we got together over 30 years ago...
So here we are, we are finally doing it! 
We have paid our deposit, met with the notaire and will be receiving the keys to this cute little house in January! 
Next year will bring about a lot of change for us and we are very excited, we have been focusing on our lives in a positive and intentional way, meditating each morning and visualising the things we desire.
The incredible thing is - it works, it really does.

We have proved over and over again that it is possible for us to do this - being in a good place and having the ability to really focus always makes things happen.
We consider everything we have achieved so far, things which seemed so out of reach, but we wanted them and somehow they came into our lives...
 From cars, holidays, our business, the B&B to houses.
It has meant taking quite a leap of faith at times, even when the likihood seems ridiculous we've kept on believing in it happening, but once we've set our hearts on something, we don't give up!

We absolutely love dreaming up our next adventures and amazing manifestations - our tiny French house is just the beginning to a very exciting year...

Does anyone else purposefully pursue their dreams?

Hope everyone is well!

Kay and Sime 


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