Living Without Money

               We came across Heidemarie Schwermer recently, she is a German woman in her 70s who back in 1994 created a Gib und Nimm (Give and Take) sort of swap shop/LETS scheme. Two years later, she decided to give up her job, apartment & possessions to try out a life without money & continues to enjoy her fascinating & inspirational journey.  

Here's a link to a film all about Heidemarie: LIVING WITHOUT MONEY.
Please take time to watch it as it really is an interesting film.

It has made us think more about where we are right now...
 We are in the process of decluttering our home & it feels great, very soon we will have so much space as we free ourselves of furniture, books, etc.
We have toyed with the idea of starting up the B&B again, but both feel it's really too much pressure. Instead we are thinking about welcoming people into our home with the Give and Take principles in mind - helping each other, learning & connecting. It will be flexible, not a regular volunteer post of 5 days hard work in return for food & lodgings, but more about sharing tasks & ideas, enjoying each other's company.
We have this large house & have loved sharing it with family, friends & guests...
It would feel wrong not to continue sharing it while we remain here & what better way than with like-minded people.

No exchanging of money, just a commitment to having good times!

Who's in?

Kay & Sime


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