Organic Veg Box

Wednesdays are always exciting as it's the day our veg box & extras arrive...

We have a large box, which is supposed to be enough for 4 people per week - it used to feed up to 6, but a recent regrade brought in a new bumper box for more pennies...
It costs £17.25 & this week's contains: potatoes, carrots, onions, leeks, broccoli, red cabbage, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, sweet potatoes & a salad bag. 

Although it's mainly just the two of us eating - we do eat lots of vegetables, so each week we buy extras...

Our regular weekly order is: 2 bags of bananas, 1 bag of apples, 2 tubs of mushrooms, 2 lemons, 3 garlic bulbs & a pack of tofu. 
This week we added a bag of courgettes, 3 peppers, a tub of blueberries & a cabbage... 
The total bill came to £42.18 

 We buy from Riverford, not the most ethical of veg box companies, but the best we have found delivering in our area. They also will take all the packaging for recycling.

The rest of our food has up until now been bought in bulk from wholesalers, but we discovered that the main one we have used has recently gone out of business... This has been a big blow to us, as we've relied on them for all our organic dried & tinned foods. It was the only whole
food wholesaler in Cornwall, so quite a shock for it to close down. Most wholesalers out of Cornwall use massive trucks to deliver, but this would be difficult on our lane as there isn't any room for large vehicles to turn around (if they even manage to get down the maze of lanes leading to our part of the world). So we are now looking at alternatives,..

Kay & Sime


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