First Hand, First Rate

Addiction to meat and dairy products and to factory processed food has got such a hold on the minds of people of the dominant western culture that they not only find it difficult to question it in their own lives but, often with the best intention, they are spreading it throughout the world. This wasteful trend must be arrested if the famines of today are not to be repeated on an even more horrifying scale as the population of the world increases. All men of good will are challenged to strive ceaselessly for that change of heart and habit that can alone safeguard the earth and bring the hope of a better future for man and his fellow creatures.
 ~ Kathleen Jannaway 1974

We dug out this old book last night, which Sime found at our local rubbish tip in the late 80s...
 It was amongst lots of vegetarian booklets published in the 60s & early 70s - which we still have too!

First Hand, First Rate was published in 1974.
 All the recipe ingredients in this wonderful little book can be grown in the UK & it also contains a section on vegan self-sufficiency, as well as economy tips for better health.  
 The foreword was written by Kathleen Jannaway, who together with her Husband, Jack started The Movement For Compassionate Living.

Fascinating stuff!

Night, night.

Kay & Sime


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