
My childhood best buddy died last week, she had battled with breast cancer for 8 years.
We had been friends since we were 4 years old, though we had practically lost touch - she found me via social media a few years ago.
We were pretty inseparable in our teens, more like sisters & very much a part of each other's families. We attended the same college after finishing school & even lived together in North London for a while... We shared a house with the guy she would eventually spend her life with & I think I knew it before they did.
I returned home to care for my siblings when my mum was taken ill & within weeks of returning, I was offered a well paid post with the local authority. A few months later, when Sime & I got together - I realised my return up north was meant to be!
My friend & I continued to meet up occasionally, but our growing families meant it was difficult, we had various commitments & so time went on, moving further & further away on our quite different paths. We would occasionally write or email, but then got out of the habit. Sometimes, I felt we had just grown apart & really only ever had our past in common - we struggled to understand how we each chose to live, how we brought our kids up & the relationships we had with our partners. We were complete opposites, but when she was ill - she found me again.
Unfortunately she had already had every conventional treatment going & there was nothing more the docs could do. Her cancer had spread, her immune system was fucked thanks to endless chemotherapy sessions & her body had been fried with radiation.
She had been told that she only had months to live, but actually survived 4 more years.  
As was her style, she contacted me out of the blue - off loaded all the crap she'd gone through & then disappeared. I wanted her to come & stay, but it never happened. I'm pissed off with myself that I didn't hassle her more to come down, that I didn't make the effort to go & see her.
I'm angry that she didn't tell me until it was too late, because I believe it didn't have to be this way & now she's gone.

There is no way I would ever have chemotherapy or any kind of radioactive treatment. If you have cancer in your genes, radiation can also make it progress. X-rays, including mammograms can make cancer progress. Lots of women who have taken radioactive iodine for thyroid disease have gone on to get breast cancer - they have been told there is no link... Bullshit!

The best thing anyone can do with a cancer diagnosis is cut out all animal protein, eat fresh organic vegetables & fruit. Cut down on sugar & yeast. Become an expert on the condition. It's difficult to remain level headed when given such crap news, but it's important not to  make any snap decisions. Doctors only know about the treatment they offer & of course, many of them believe it's the only way. Look at the stories of the survivors, those who have opted for the alternatives - that's what I would do.

I would happily sell everything I owned in order to pay for pure organic foods, to attend a raw vegan retreat & free up time to learn as much as possible. I would gladly do this for someone I loved too.
Because at the end of the day, what's the point in having stuff - if yours or a loved one's life is over?

Kay xx


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