A Lost Day

The day after we arrived in the Alps, we were driving up a mountain pass near our campsite & the power steering in our car failed. The steering wheel suddenly became heavy & it was quite terrifying... We were high up, the pass was steep with severe bends and it seemed like we were stuck.
Luckily, there was a lay-by & enough room on that bit of the pass to gradually turnaround. Sime switched on our hazard warning lights & we very slowly crept back down the pass.

At this point, Sime believed our holiday was over, or at the very least - our car had had it...
 I, on the other hand remained optimistic, all would be fine & felt sure a miracle would happen! I also thought it might be quite nice to extend our holiday while the car was being fixed. The main thing was - We were safe, the car was still in one piece & we had got back to the campsite.

Here's what happened the next day...

We didn't know at the time, but we were watching two golden eagles...

And we were on the sun plateau...

High above the Valais.

We were reassured that perhaps the car would be ok - we didn't know why it had started to behave itself - but it had... And we could get on with enjoying ourselves once again!

Kay (& Sime)


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