We The Tiny House People

For as long as we can remember, we have planned to live in a small place when the kidlets or at least the girls, had flown the nest. 
We both loved the wooden houses we saw on road trips in the States, especially in Tennessee & on Long Island & have looked forward to clearing the majority of our stuff, downsizing & living simply for a long time. 
A few years ago, we came across information about The Tiny House Movement & as everyone who has stayed with us probably knows - we love to talk about it! 
We still have a long way to go before we will be ready, but there is definitely a feeling that our dream is getting closer. Bebe moving in with us means the process may take a little longer, but in the meantime - we are enjoying doing the research & making plans...
We rent an old 5 bedroomed farmhouse, in which 2 of those bedrooms, plus 2 store rooms, a shed & garage are practically bursting at the seams with junk... Stuff we've either not used for a long time or have been given. 
We have made a start at sorting one of the rooms & we hope to continue doing bits here & there. When we eventually leave Meadowcroft, we intend on having very little - we no longer accumulate stuff or buy anything unnecessary & Sime's even managed to refuse anything offered just lately... So that's definite progress! 

Check out faircompanies.com to find more & do watch the film above - it's very inspirational!

Kay & Sime


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