Rewilding Our Life - Day 8

We worked all day yesterday, so we thought it would be nice to take Bebe for a stroll when we picked her up, but no, she refused & got quite angry when we tried to persuade her, so our 30 minutes of rewilding was spent in the garden.

Lupe's always there...

Fleaby joined us too.

Sime managed to zoom in on the moon.

Tired, but happy to be outside in the sunshine.

Our activity was to spend time outside at night, look at the night sky, think about everything that's out there & just how small we are - something we do a lot. When you have chaps like Sime & Hugo around there are always these kind of conversations going on...  

We ventured out around 10pm.

Of course, Lupe followed us out...

The sky was clear...

And the moon was beautiful!

These are the only photos that came unfortunately, but it was great sitting out there looking up. We can always see Orion's Belt & The Plough on a clear night, but we also saw a tiny red Mars.
The hamlet was very quiet (although the hostel & campsite are busy), so we were able to hear the sea & the local owl hooting.
A few weeks ago, we spent a weekend in a wooden lodge on The Lizard & it had a hot tub, we spent hours in there & really enjoyed sky watching... On the last night we saw satellites tracking across the sky & shooting stars too... Wonderful stuff!

Kay & Sime


  1. I liked your moon photos! we have tilted moon here, I use dto try to take its pictures too.. also the Venus shine sso brightly these days!
    take care! your cats are cute :)


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