What's In A Week?

We seem to be getting into a routine with Bebe & have seen quite a transformation over the last week...

Amazing what a hair cut & some new clothes can do!

She is settling well & although there are periods when reassurance is needed, she has been able to move away from focusing on things which cause her distress. We have spent many hours talking & helping her to understand why she thinks the way she does. Some of the more mundane topics, Sime has now written about in a laminated letter - which we hand to Bebe when she starts to repeat herself & gradually the answers to these questions are seeping through! 

She is loving her time at daycare, which is a great bonus & she is amazingly sleeping well - if we can persuade her to keep off the coffee at night!

Bebe's had a go on her old typewriter, though found it a struggle to concentrate... 
We'll get it out again at the weekend & keep encouraging her. We've also tried playing Scrabble, but she was unable to unscramble the letters to form any words - we shall persevere!

Listening to her favourite music definitely makes a huge difference to Bebe's mood, she is at her happiest when singing, dancing or with both of us chatting. 

This is what happened after a bowl of soup today...

We're also managing to get her out walking & after not venturing out of her home for 3 years - she is doing fantastically!!!

A breezy Mevagissey Harbour this morning...

As Bebe says several times a day... 
"D'you know something? I think this move is going to work out."

We think so too!

Kay & Sime


  1. oh bless her, can she be my adopted Granny? xx

    1. Thanks Kath & Bebe would love you to bits! :) xx

  2. Bebe looks so much happier and healthier already. Amazing what love and patience can do for someone.x

    1. Thanks Dreamer, we have been pleasantly surprised just how well Bebe's doing! :) xx

  3. You are all wonderful people! My dad (Richard) seems to have found some kindred souls from our homeland. Thanks for being awesomely amazing people and for loving my DAD! :) Love Tanya
    PS Your mom is precious.

    1. Thank you Tanya! We adore Richard - he's quickly become like a member of the family & we can't wait to see him again. We really hope to get over to Canada one day & meet all you girls too!!! :) xx

  4. The video of you with bebe is priceless! She seems so happy!

    1. Thank you Richard... We think you & Bebe would get on very well! You have to come over next year & see her... She will love you as much as we do! :) xx

  5. What a wonderful video - great to see her so happy. You are doing a fantastic job.

  6. It's great to see Bebe out and about with you and enjoying beautiful Cornwall, and the video is just wonderful!


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Kay and Sime

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