Let There Be Love

Bebe loves singing, so Sime dug out an old microphone.

Dementia makes it a struggle for her to remember the words as well as she used to, but it doesn't stop her from having fun & of course - we are only too happy to encourage her!

She also loves seeing herself on screen & even though the words are a bit jumbled, she's always keen on us sharing the videos & keeps saying "It'll give the world a laugh!"

Hope you enjoy it.

Kay & Sime


  1. Jim and I loved it. Bebe looks like she'd like to be playing a keyboard!

  2. Blessings to you and yours, Bebe is in the best place so pleased it is working out for all. Love Leanne

  3. Fabulous!
    Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas.
    Us two in Lancashire xx

  4. Excellent! Love, peace and joy to you and your family.
    Love from Mum


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Kay and Sime

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