Last Fling

We've almost prepared the house ready for Bebe's arrival - most importantly, her room is ready...
She will be going into our guest room, so we haven't had much to do in there.
We've put her photographs up on the walls, put her CD player in place, clothes in the wardrobe & drawers, but kept it simple & clutter free.
When Nan was with us, we made her room into a comfortable bedsit, but she tended to stay in there & almost cut herself off from us at times... 
We want to encourage Bebe to spend time downstairs, she'll have the sitting room more or less to herself if she wants some peace & we've brought her TV down, so she'll be able to watch all her musicals again... She lost the ability to use her DVD & CD players a while ago, which was really sad - she loves music & we'll make sure she gets plenty of opportunities to enjoy them all again! 

Lupe's already made himself at home & seems to be loving Bebe's winceyette sheets (good job she loves kitties)!
We've moved the bed against the wall - it will take some time for Bebe to settle & get to know her room, having just one side to get in & out of bed is less confusing. We shall also be putting signs on all the doors, so she'll know where everybody/thing is... We found this really helpful with Nan.
A memory book is next on the agenda, with photos & stories for her to enjoy... Might need Rose's help with that (she's the artistic member of the family). Might be a nice Crimbo present!

Anyway, we've had our last taste of freedom for a while... We had a fabulous weekend with our lovely friends, Kath & Jim in Glastonbury - we were there for the amazing carnival, see Kath's blog for great photos & videos. Here's a few of our's...

We also walked up to the Tor, something we've wanted to do for years...

Kath's lovely 12 years young doggie, Roobarb joined us for the walk!

A Pagan ceremony had just finished when we arrived at the top, so there were lots of interesting people around... But can you spot Kath on the photo?

Those of you who know her blog will have spotted her jacket!
We had a lovely time & felt pampered & relaxed when we reluctantly left for Stoke...

We spent a couple of days sorting out Bebe's flat & visited Grandad Gerry & Nana Stip-Pep, then it was time for our city break... In Birmingham!
For the first time this year, it felt like we've had a proper holiday - our previous breaks seemed filled with problem calls regarding Bebe & work, this time we were left to enjoy ourselves...
It's been over 16 years since we visited Birmingham & it's changed a lot. Sime's going to do a post about it soon, but here's a little taster...

Bye for now & thank you for all your positive messages!

Kay & Sime


  1. LOL look at me, always gassing!
    We were so glad you enjoyed your stay, I do hope you will be able to get away for a break when you have Bebe living with you. She is a lucky lady to be joining such a loving home.

    1. Hahaha, it's good to talk!
      We'll be making sure we get our breaks & Hillside is one place we would definitely love to return to... If you'll have us!
      Ooh the postman's just popped something through our letterbox... Thank you so much, will let you know how we get on with it!
      Lots of love, K&S xx

  2. SMILE looks like a wonderful visit for all of you. And to get to the top of the thor would be wonderful.
    Love Leanne


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