Fog & Family

We've had gloomy fog here today...

And warm sunshine in Falmouth this afternoon.

Sal & Ryan were visiting from Bristol for the day, so we enjoyed a catch up!

Night, night.

Kay & Sime


  1. Wow! You live in such a beautiful place! :) Thanks for sharing the video.
    Glad you had a nice family meet, wishing you more of such!
    Have a great day!

  2. As it's now a month since your last post, I'm hoping it's only pressure of work - or an unexpected holiday in Hawaii - that is keeping you away. Looking forward to seeing your update - and good news. xx

  3. Spooky Fog! I love your report!

    Lovely to see you catching up with loved ones in style.

    Sft x

  4. Hello! I found your blog (which is very nice) while looking for a home education group anywhere from Truro to Penzance. You mentioned running one, is it still going?? I home-schooled my daughter, and she now wants to home-educate her son (5) too, so I'm trying to help her find anything going on for young children. (It's not so much the education side that's the problem, but finding any kids over 4 to do things with who aren't in school! :))


    1. Hi Barbara,

      Sorry for not replying sooner.

      We're out of touch with local groups for little ones, but there is a closed group on FB:

      You should find up-to-date info & there's always lots going on.

      Kay :)

  5. Really getting concerned now. :( I do hope you are both well.

    1. Hi Rambler,

      Sorry - we are absolutely fine. Just having long days with work & B&B guests... Making breakfast at 6.30am, going off to work, then coming home & straight into making dinner for guests & entertaining sometimes until after 12am... Any spare time, we like to do something nice or stay in bed!

      Sime still takes lots of photos, so I'm sure we'll get them on here at some point.

      Sundays are still unplugged for us & it's fantastic. We go walking, potter about in the garden & read. I am crocheting squares & Sime's growing some veggies in pots. So life is good... Exhausting, but we're happy & planning a couple of holidays, as well as continuing to save for a trip with the kidlets next year.

      Hope you are well.

      Kay :)

    2. Phew!!! So glad you're busy in a good way - and delighted that your Sundays are still Special. I'm happy now! :)

  6. Just thought I'd say 'hello'. I seem to be too busy to blog myself at present, so can't complain. Glad to see you were fine a few weeks ago.

  7. I too was concerned by your lack of posts, and relieved to hear that you're all alive and well. Not that I've been posting much recently myself! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and I look forward to hearing all about it when life gets quieter.

  8. Calling in as missed the regular posts (and comments on our blog too). Glad all sounds happy and busy, look forward to an update post soon :)

  9. Missing you both - and hoping neither of you have succumbed to illness. xx

  10. Hi Kay & Sime,
    I'm really missing your posts and keep regularly checking in to see if you have been and posted - but no .
    Is it that you no longer have the urge to blog about your days? Maybe other things have taken over or maybe you have managed to get away for a holiday tour to pastures new.
    I wish you well, whatever you are doing - but I do miss you. xx

    1. Thank you for being so concerned Rambler!

      We are fine... Doing the B&B, as well as our day job has just been incredibly time consuming. We've also had a few trips away, though they have been great - we haven't really managed to get completely away from work & problems surrounding Bebe (Sime's mum)... One of our phones would ring everyday with various problems to deal with!

      Anyway, things are set to change for us, so we're hoping to have a little more free time for blogging again!

      Watch this space!!!

      Bye for now, K&S xx

    2. Yay!!!! Thank you for replying; so glad to hear you're both OK and will be posting again asap.

  11. Glad to see your last comment Kay and Simon. I've been busy myself, but bearing in mind your health problems, Kay, I was wondering how you are, too.

  12. Thanks Karin - just very busy, but hope to post again soon. K&S xx


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