Work, Weather, Window Views & Night Walking

Hello everyone & sorry for our absence...
We've had lots of guests in over the last 2 weeks & done 14 house cleans in 8 days... Just crazy! Then there's been meetings, home education group, college open evening, as well as squeezing in a nice night out... 
It's all been very exhausting, so we're treating ourselves to an overnight staycation tomorrow - leaving Hugo to man the fort. 
Lots of our guests keep telling us to try out Airbnb for ourselves & that's what we're doing.
At some point soon, we'll hopefully find time to book our winter holiday with the kidlets - our sealed pot is filling up & mainly from generous guests & customers. 
See Saving For Travel's blog for more info.

We've had mixed weather this week, quite stormy & cold at the beginning, but on Wednesday night the sky cleared & the sun came out again...
Amazingly, it's been out ever since!

Better late than never... Linking up with Jane for the view from our window.
The lilies have bounced back & are starting to bloom.

Lots of greenery everywhere...

Wednesday night our local Transition Group met at the pub, so we just thought we'd make the most of the weather & walk.

On the way home...

We didn't see a soul...

Halfway point...

The moon & not quite dark at 10.30pm

Though it was very dark over the sea...

We are continuing to meet such wonderful folks from all over the place... 
In the last 2 weeks our visitors have come from Canada, China, Dorset, Italy, Liverpool & Portugal... 
Who would have thought our little hamlet would become such a draw? 
It's amazing & it continues to blow us away! 

We haven't managed to get our second room up & running yet... Hunger & tiredness keep getting in our way, as well as cleaning, washing, ironing & we can't decide what is worse... Being covered in dog hairs from 2 dogs who live in a house that hasn't been vacuumed for months or being covered in a week's worth of human dried skin secreted from used towels & bath mats... It's all pretty gross, especially when you're tired & hungry, wishing someone would turn up with a platter of delicious vegan fayre... Wouldn't that be nice? We often fantasise about getting up in the morning & discovering a fabulous banquet all for us or getting in from work & finding our table groaning with a beautiful feast... 

Perhaps if we keep up our wishful thinking - it may just happen one day...

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!

Night, night.

Love Kay & Sime


  1. If we were rich we'd send you a house fairy...but we're not, so will a hug do?
    Jane x

  2. I miss seeing you around!

  3. oh bless you, you both work so hard. I'm so happy that your business is going from strength to strength, I'm not surprised, with your wonderful location, tasty and nutritious food and your warm personalities x x

  4. So pleased to hear that you are having a night away, and so pleased to see that your beautiful lilies have perked up!

  5. HI Kay and Sime,

    Or should I say CIAO! We are in Italy at the mo!

    Just caught up with your recent posts. Wow! You have been busy lately..working so hard.
    I am so glad you've found a little time for some R and R.

    We love our dandelions too, not for wine producing but for their colour. Then we love the clocks that appear. Next we're excited about seeing the oxeye daisies appear in front of our summer house.

    Great news about the sealed pot donations..sounds like people from all over the globe are enjoying your delicious food.

    Those Lilies remind me of my Granny. She had a bunch as her wedding bouquet, very 1930s!

    Sft x

  6. Hi guys, have been trying to visit for ages and tonight the World Wide Waiter has actually let me in! Gorgeous night views!


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Kay and Sime

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