Lupuschki's Jazz Archives Volume 1

Lupe likes to lie next to the computer when there's jazz playing...


This is his very favourite tune.
 It has to be played over & over again if ever he goes on a car journey... 
It helps him to remain calm!

If he can't get onto the computer desk...
 The next best thing is the cabinet beside it, where he drifts away listening to some soothing tunes.

Daddy sometimes gets a bit carried away & turns the volume up...

Which just grates on his nerves!

Have a good weekend everyone... 
We're off to work now & have guests in later, so busy, busy!



  1. Lupe is such a cutie! Such a face in that last photo. :)

    1. He's a sweetie, but lets us know when he's not happy!

  2. Well, Lupe has great taste!
    We had a cat who loved me to sing Ella Fitzgerald to her, "Every time you go away, I cry a little" was her favourite. Her sister would run from the room when Elton John's "Funeral for a friend was played",and one boy cat we had would love to be held in Chris's arms and dance to "Papa was a rolling stone". Cats are great music critics!
    Jane x

    1. That's wonderful! One of our guests recently was amazed at how the kitties recognise words & phrases... Such intelligent furry friends!

  3. LOL Lupe sure looks ticked off in last photo.
    I've a special spot for black cats.

    Love Leanne

  4. Kitty knows good music when he hears it. LOL! Cute!
    xo Catherine

  5. Love the spooky music!

    It chills me out too.

    Hope you have a great weekend...looking forward to hearing if your guests want extra know what I mean.

    Sft x

  6. Awww, I just love his expression in that last photo - he really does look angry at that song!
    I hope you had a chance to enjoy today's lovely weather - blue, blue sky and sea and SUNSHINE withoiut the icy easterly wind. I'm quite sunburnt, having dozed off on the beach after my lunch.


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