Weird Weather

Just a quickie to say hello - we're still here!

We've had several weeks of guests staying which has been wonderful & this week, we have lots of work preparing for the imminent holiday season, as well as lots of get-togethers with family & friends.
So we are very busy & feel like we haven't had a normal evening at home for a long time...
Today we have a huge clean to do, a beautiful large house on the cliff edge & we did say we'd be there for 9am... But we're struggling to get our act together!

Anyway, here's our views from 2 weeks ago & today - linking up with Jane's Thursday View.

The lilies were beginning to thrive...

But the weather got cold...

And foggy...

Two weeks on & enduring our first morning of frost last week...

The lilies are struggling to survive.
This may be the second time in 8 years that they've not bloomed...

It's cold, wet, dark & windy today...

Last week the winds & high tide caused chaos down in Portmellon...

This was one time we didn't drive through it.

We also had thunder & lightning on Saturday afternoon, complete with hail storm...
It's all very weird!

In Truro on Sunday evening.

Hope everyone is well & we do promise to visit blogs soon.
Things should calm down in April...

Bye for now,

Kay & Sime


  1. Oops! I think you missed the 9am start!
    So good to know you're both OK and that it has been busy-ness that kept you from posting and not problems.
    What a mixture of weather we've been having; maybe now Spring is officially here, things will improve? (said through gritted teeth with the rain pouring down from a black sky!)
    On Saturday I shall be driving down to Cadgwith to stay in a railway carriage for a week - and I hope to get out & about with my Collie (he who loves water but hates rain!) So some sun is on order for all of us. :)

    1. Hi Rambler,
      Who would have thought it could be so cold this week? Hope you're warm enough & the carriage is cosy!

      Kay :)

  2. Hello, glad you're both doing well! Your weather looks scary...we've had all sorts of strange weather here too, including one day where it did something different every half hour, rain, snow, hail and sun...I thought the armageddon was coming!

    1. Hi Sooz,

      We're fine & our weird weather just continues... As it seems to be everywhere else!

      Hope you are ok.

      Kay :)

  3. I love your views so much. The sea shots were gorgeous..I miss the sea so very much...stormy seas were my favourite, nature's power is awesome.
    My views will be up you, I'm dragging my heels today.
    Don't work too hard, guys.
    Jane x

    1. Hi Jane,

      The sea has been incredibly stormy just lately & it's very cold here at the moment, though still no snow...

      Kay :)

  4. I was just telling my friend Sue about you guys this morning and her you are!
    Love the foggy pics, made me think of smugglers :-)

    1. Hi Kath,

      We have a lot of fog throughout the year on our little peninsula... But it's just freezing tonight!

      Kay :)

  5. I was wondering where you'd gone.

    1. Hi Gai,

      We're still here... Just working lots & looking after B&B guests. All good though!

      Kay :)

  6. Fabulous photos! Glad to hear you are ok and your absence has been down to busyness rather than illness. We are forecast heavy snow up here this weekend and we're supposed to be going to K's MIL's on the Lancashire/Yorkshire border for a bridesmaid dress fitting!

    1. Hi Scarlet,

      Hope you're all coping with the snow... We saw some newspaper headlines at the weekend, showing massive snowdrifts - looked very scary! Hope you're keeping warm.

      Kay :)

  7. Glad you are okay would not be the same without you. Weather has been peculiar since the beginning of last year and does not seem to be getting better although love your photos. Love wild feisty weather. Blows the cobwebs away. Just take it steady and be kind to yourselves.

    Love and light


    P.S. I have been going home in the light this past week and I like it.



    1. Hi Pattypan,

      The light nights are wonderful, but it seems strange not to have been eating outside by now... We're in for another night of frost here, our second of the winter (which is very rare)!

      Hope you're keeping warm.

      Kay :)

  8. Wow, the weather is very very strange! Fab photos. x

    1. Hello RVC,

      Thank you & the strange weather continues!

      Kay :)

  9. I was wondering where you two were and hoping that all was well. I'm glad that you've just been busy and haven't had anything bad happen!

    It looks like you're still getting so much rain. That picture where you didn't drive through it- wow!

    1. Hi Molly,

      We're fine... Just really busy!

      We had flooding around here on Thursday & Friday, & now it's been really cold for the last 3 days... Which is unusual for this time of year!

      Hope you're all ok.

      Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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