Thursday View

Linking up with Jane again... 
Here's today's view(s).

Late afternoon sunshine - looking out of our dining room...

The lilies do look like they are on their way out.
Poor things...

They are usually blooming by now...

Maybe the sun will pick them up...

Sime's been adding extra quirkiness to our dining room just lately...

We now have forks for door handles.
I came up with the idea of making the screws look more colourful!

This is our dining table light.
Sime's named it too... Clarity!

I think we've shared a photo of the Euphonium before.
Which lives above the wood burner...

Flea, this morning in his usual bed...
Looks like he has a piece of bamboo coming out of him!

Lupin tonight... Chilling in front of the computer.

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of meeting Mr & Mrs Sft... Which was wonderful!
Our first blog friends to have visited Meadowcroft.
We had a great pep talk about Saving For Travel & enjoyed sharing travel stories...
Surprise, surprise!

Dinner time now...

Hope you're all having a good week.

Kay & Sime


  1. GREAT NEWS!! Our snow is melting!
    My post will have to wait until tomorrow, I've been out and about for two poor old bod can't take it!
    Jane x

  2. It's so green there! I love the forks for handles and the light is brilliant!

  3. I love the forks and the lights, what a wonderful idea. Snow gradually going here, but still oh so cold x

  4. Oh my stars ~ how cute is kitty wrapped around the bamboo! Too funny!
    I like the fork door handles. Very fun!
    Wishing you both a most wonderful Easter weekend!
    xo Catherine


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