Never Too Late

The busy times continue & it's not only work & B&B...

In the last two weeks, we've received several calls regarding Bebe.
 Firstly, she'd phoned 999 to complain that her electric heater was too hot... So it was suggested that she really needs to be assessed & a week's respite was on the cards... She refused to leave the house, so the carers are providing more support to keep an eye on her.
Then we heard she smashed the socket that her heater plugs into & that she keeps turning her central heating off, so Sime asked the social worker to stick a label on the heating & we searched for an electrician. A couple of days later, it's all sorted... Then we get another call, Bebe's kettle has broken... So we've had one delivered today... Just hope everything will be ok now for a bit, although she does have cellulitis in one of her legs & we're struggling to track down the community nurses to find out more! 

Yesterday was my 47th birthday & although I don't worry about getting old... Age is definitely on our minds.
Our guests are always interested in talking to us about the lack of oil in our diet, the way we cook, our complexions & ability to eat large portions of food!

We have lots of books & information to share, so it's great to be able to do this.
Inspiring others to begin their own journey to good health & happiness is wonderful.

Nan always said "Wait till you're my age..." When we laughed at her complaints.
But she refused to believe there were other ways to deal with her many ailments & that's where we differ...
We have so much more knowledge about health & nutrition, our food choices are far better. We eat meals that are colourful & full of flavour & believe we enjoy good appetites because our food interests us.
If you eat bland food, you lose your appetite & once that happens - you become deficient in various vitamins & minerals, then illness creeps in...
If you're not sitting at every meal loving every morsel... Then do something about it! Likewise, if your food doesn't leave you feeling good, then you need to change the way you eat - it's simple!

Our guests also love that we don't have a TV & several have gone on to get rid of theirs or cut back on watching it. We have seen both Nan & Bebe become completely focused on TV to the point of mistaking it for real life & letting it become their main interest. When both in the early stages of dementia - they would only talk about things they'd seen on TV, like nothing else existed... So sad.
Life still goes on without TV, without constant knowledge of current affairs & all the folks we know who live without it seem to have much more satisfying & happier lives.

Fun. Enjoy life, laugh until you cry, do silly things.
We shall never grow up. NEVER!

Enjoy the video & we look forward to hearing what you all think too.


Kay & Sime


  1. Happy birthday!! So, that would make you an Aries, too, then, correct? My 39th birthday is this Saturday. :)

    I agree with everything you said about growing older and taking charge of your health. It really is so simple and such a shame that many people aren't proactive when it comes to their well-being. We intend to never grow up, too!

  2. Hi Molly,

    Thank you & my birth sign is Aries too!

    And now we must get to bed... We have guests in, breakfast to make in the morning & work at 10am!

    Kay :)

  3. A belated happy birthday Kay!
    I hope thing settle down with Bebe - it must be such a worry for both of you.
    We were told on Saturday that we look great - it was so lovely to hear, and I shared the reasons why we look and feel so much better! I never thought it was possible, and think we were on a slippery slope - thanks again for giving us a hand up!

  4. Thanks Scarlet, Bebe is always a worry, but she does have a good care agency supporting her... Sime's worked really hard at building up a relationship with them & it's paid off - Communication is so important!

    I love hearing about how well you're doing & look forward to seeing you both sometime this year... You can't beat having good health!

    Kay :)

  5. "Life still goes on without TV, without constant knowledge of current affairs & all the folks we know who live without it seem to have much more satisfying & happier lives".


  6. Sorry I missed your birthday but I'll still wish you a very happy birthday anyway, although it's a bit late. Hope you had a wonderful day. 47 ... I wish!! Love and best wishes Sue.


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Kay and Sime

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