A New Family Member

Isn't he beautiful?

Hope all you with snow are going on ok...
We continue to have torrential downpours & a hail storm here earlier!

Any doggie advice, vegan recipes, etc would be greatly appreciated...

Have a great weekend everyone!

Kay & Sime


  1. Welcome beautiful Barney!
    Jane xxxxxx
    Purrs from the catsxxxxxxxx

  2. Ooh he's lovely! How come? He'll like sticks and things to play with :)

  3. He's gorgeous. I look forward to hearing about all your adventures together.

  4. Oh, Barney is precious! What a beautiful boy! And a lucky one - kudos to you for giving him a loving, forever home!

    I was going to share Molly's great stash of vegan recipes for dogs and other wonderful, informative stuff for happy, healthy pups but I see she's also one of your followers, so I'll let her do it! :-)

  5. Oh bless him, I'm so glad you took him, I'm sure it'll all work out and he'll have a lovely life with you! x

  6. He is beautiful, look at that lovely smiling face. I hope he likes a bath after all that mud! X

  7. Thanks everyone - he's adorable, though has trashed 2 tennis balls already... He needs to lose weight, but seems really fit for a 10 year old! We've got a few days off with him now, which is nice - but the kitties are in hiding upstairs, so we keep popping up & giving them plenty of cuddles too!

    K&S :)

  8. Oh, I'm so glad he's found a new family to love him.

  9. What a gorgeous boy,and a happy ending to his sad story. Enjoy :)

  10. Congratulations on your very handsome new family member! What a sweet, adorable boy he is. <3

    It makes me so sad that he was abandoned like that. Poor sweetie. He's so very lucky to have such a wonderful new home, though. I know you'll both love him so very much. He looks like a very gentle soul.

    If you have any questions or need advice on anything, feel free to email me or contact me through any of our sites. I'll help if I can! :)

    Oh, and make sure to keep us updated on how you all get on!

  11. Thank you everyone again & Molly - we'll be taking notes from your blog, especially your yummy recipes!

    Kay :)

  12. He's beautiful, and a very lucky boy to have found a home with you. Hope the kitties soon get used to him!


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