Stove Cooking

Slow CookerQuinoa Chilli

Slow Cooker, a set on Flickr.

We've found the perfect way to simmer a pan of food on the wood burner...

This is Sime's quinoa chilli, which we had with cornbread.

Just great not using the electric hob & making the most of the stove heat. We also boil the kettle on it & fill our flask, so there's always a supply of water for hot drinks.

Makes us feel good that we're using less electricity!

Apparently, in the last 12 months - we've used 4600 kWh, but have nothing to compare it with, it seems a lot though... Does anyone else know their usage?

It's cold here tonight... Hope it's warm where you are!

Kay & Sime xx


  1. What a great idea! I wish we had a wood burning stove :(

  2. oh yes toasting ourselves in front of the fire now and eating roast veggie lasagna :-P

  3. Fire's crckling and the cats are snoozing...perfect!
    Jane x
    PS I make the candles last eight days!

  4. Great use of the wood stove! Your electricity usage is much lower than ours. We average aroudn 1000 a month...... that's using LED lights, even, but our heat is also electric, which adds a lot.

  5. We don't have such a large space on the top of our stove. Probably enough for a saucepan. This is thought provoking stuff.

    Sft x


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