Early Morning Sunshine

Early Morning Sunshine by thesmithsontour
Early Morning Sunshine, a photo by thesmithsontour on Flickr.
The view from our dining room window this morning...

Even though it's very windy & the windows are rattling... It's still a beautiful start to the day!

Our glass snow flake is a permanent fixture - a friend made it some years ago & we really like it. So along with our fairy lights - it always looks like Christmas in here!

We usually get a tree around the 21st, either save one which would be turned to sawdust or we'll get a potted tree, which will then live in the garden.

Time for second breakfast, we do have to work today - though we're in no rush...

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Kay & Sime xx


  1. "Time for second breakfast"

    how Hobbitty :-D

  2. We have a Happy New Year sign up all year...never too late to start again!!
    Jane x

  3. Kath - How funny... It's what we have when first breakfast was early, we've obviously been subconsciously influenced by Mr Tolkien!

    Jane - And why not? We were given a small artificial Christmas Tree years ago, which we'd accidentally left up & none of us noticed for ages. We decided to leave it up & other people's reactions were funny - most would see it & not say anything, but obviously thought we were complete nutters. The kids thought it was great!

    Kay :)

  4. Very pretty view and the snowflake certainly adds a nice touch! I love stuff like that. :)

  5. I love mornings that you can relax a bit and enjoy the beauty. Wonderful! And your stew below - yum!
    xo Catherine


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