Vegan Food In Stoke

Sorry for disappearing again, the drugs I'm taking for my heart are knocking me sideways...

I'm on light duties at work (meaning Sime won't let me do much), but I'm fine sitting here.

I still can't believe I ended up in hospital last week, such a shame after having a great time in Stoke.

It's always lovely to see our folks (hope you're feeling better, Nana Stip-Pep) & so good that we managed to visit Shelley, an old musician friend of Sime's (they were in a band together: The Hidden Persuaders). Though disappointing that we didn't have time to see Grenson, an old work mate who had been in hospital (sorry - next time)!

My GP has left a message wanting to know what happened & I'm reluctant to phone back, because I know there will be a lecture...

Anyway, time for some food photies & I'm slowly trying to catch up with other blogs.

You might remember that our first night in Stoke we were going to eat at the pub attached the hotel...
Thanks to Jay, the chef - we had a filling meal with VIP treatment.

He made us a vegan pizza, covered in jalapeƱos (which were extremely hot)...

And a baked potato with vegetables in a spicy tomato sauce.

We were really grateful for his help & when we left, he said he was going to look into having a vegan dish on the menu.

We couldn't go to Stoke without eating at The Big Strawberry - our second visit...

We decided to go for the works...

Starting with fruit cocktails.
Tropical on the left & Berry on the right...

We both had Thai vegetable soup, which was delicious...

Then instead of a panini - Charlie (the owner) made me a pizza...

And Sime had a burger & we shared the salad...

We forgot to photograph the chocolate brownies, which Charlie made while we were eating our main course. 
These were washed down with delicious frothy hot chocolates!
We had a wonderful time - eating & chatting, we felt like VIPs yet again...
Thanks to Crazy Charlie, who looked after us brilliantly & at the age of 20 - not only makes some outstanding grub, but finds time to write novels (which sound fantastic)!

We both agree that we would love to own a cafe like The Big Strawberry, it would make us very happy!

We'll get there - one day!

Kay & Sime


  1. You are looking well after all you've been through -hope you're on the mend. Sorry to hear of what happened - looks like MrS is looking after you though!

  2. Thank you The Magatha, the annoying thing is it's the bloody hospital stay & the drugs which make me feel ill, but otherwise I am fine - even the medical staff kept commenting on how well I looked for someone supposedly ill... Sime is the best looker-afterer ever!!!

    Kay :)

  3. I'm pleased you are taking it easy - that's quite an ordeal that you need to recover from, thanks to people who wouldn't listen to you. It looks and sounds like you had a good trip to Stoke - the food looks yum. Such a shame that it ended horribly. Keep resting - I'm sure Sime will continue to make sure that you do!

  4. Thanks Scarlet - I can't get on to your blog, by the way...

    I'm just glad work has slowed down... Love being at home - our fire is roaring & we're sleeping next to it tonight!

    Night, night.

    Kay :)

  5. I'm pleased you are taking it easy, it's quite hard tho isn't it?
    Your food looks wonderful, sounds like a great meal, what a fab guy the chef sounds!
    Get well, but at your own pace xx

  6. Thanks Kath - it is difficult, more frustrating because I get really tired quickly!

    I just realised that I didn't mention that Charlie is a girl... She's great fun & such a character! Nor did I mention that she only charged us £20 for everything & gave us a doggy bag with more brownies...

    Kay :)

  7. Gosh ~ I sure hope you get feeling tip top soon Kay. All that food looks yummy!

    Wishing you and Sime a beautiful weekend!
    xo Catherine


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