Pease Pudding Hot...

Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot... Nine days old.
Only kidding, they wouldn't last that long here!

Tonight's dinner was a strange concoction...

Bean burger, sweet potato wedges & mushy peas.

Sime had mustard & houmous on his too!

We absolutely adore mushy peas... & they are so easy to make...
For 3 of us, we use 300g split green peas.
Put into a large bowl with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda & cover with at least a litre of boiling water.
Leave for 2 or more hours to soak.
Rinse the peas thoroughly & place in a large pan, cover with cold water & bring to the boil.
Simmer for 30 - 40 minutes, stirring frequently.
You can add any herbs & spices, but tonight - we kept them simple & added a dollop of miso, a pinch of herbamare & some black pepper.

The sweet potatoes were just dry baked in the oven for 45 minutes, shaking the pan every 15 minutes, so they didn't stick. The burgers were based on our previous recipe & the bread rolls, Kay made this afternoon. 

We've had 2 wonderful days off & are back to work tomorrow!

Kay & Sime


  1. That's my kind of dinner (minus the mustard!). I absolutely love sweet potato. I must try making bean burgers too instead of buying them.
    Teresa x

  2. I'm not a fan of mushy peas, but the burgers look very yummy x

  3. Hi Teresa - burgers are always great for using up leftover veg & grains.

    Becky - We often crave peas or lentils & are just happy to eat a bowl of them, especially with miso, any time of day!

    Kay :)

  4. Sime looks like he could eat you Kay LOL

  5. Hi Kath, I think we've been watching too much True Blood!

    Kay :)


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