Mixed Bean Bolognese

We're really busy again with work this week, lots of last minute bookings for half term. I'm trying to finish off last years accounts - to submit before the end of the month & Sime's making sure we eat well...

Last night's pasta dish had lots of garlic & onions, peppers, courgettes, mushrooms & sweetcorn.
 Also some kidney, borlotti & black eyed beans, as well as chickpeas. Sometimes Sime will add tofu too, which he fries in a little water & soy sauce first.

He simmers the onions & garlic in water first, then adds other vegetables as they are chopped.
Chucks in dried oregano, basil & smoked paprika.

He wanted to make a quick sauce, so used 2 tins of chopped tomatoes & some tomato paste.
Using fresh tomatoes is better though - especially when baked in the oven first!

Some freshly chopped garlic & basil added just before serving is delicious.
We also add a pinch of Herbamare, black pepper & once served a good sprinkle of nutritional yeast.

Have a good day!

Kay & Sime


  1. That looks so appetising, I doubt anyone would ask "But where is the meat?".
    I could eat that right now!

  2. Hi Kath - I could eat it again now too. Sime likes to think he's in The Sopranos... Making good gravy!

    Kay ;)

  3. I'll bet you didn't save me any.
    Jane x

  4. Hi Jane - If you'd been here tonight - you could have had the leftovers with us... We turned the sauce into a chilli.

    Kay :)


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