
This is where we stayed last week.
The yurt's name is Daddy Bear...

  It was lovely & cosy...

It had a wood burning stove, which we lit every night...

And a kitty came to join us.
We called him Goldilocks...

Making porridge...

And eating it...

The other yurts in the field.

This building houses solar showers & washing up sinks...

This hen & her chicks were hanging around while we were washing up...

As well as these lovely pigs...

This one took a fancy to Sime's boot...

Can you see these little chaps?

We spotted them & Sime quickly grabbed one for a cuddle...
We did debate whether we should bring him home!

And on the moor...

There were lots of foals...

All roaming free...

And the sheep were free too...

As well as skinny dipping, we have walked on moorland, through forests, visited standing stones & seen the sunset at Crackington Haven.

More photos soon...

Kay & Sime


  1. The yurt looks fabulous - and the site is so much drier than when we were there! I'm so glad you had a wonderful anniversary break. x

    1. Thanks Scarlet,

      The yurt was great - such a lovely treat!

      It was very muddy when we arrived, but within a couple of days & glorious weather - it soon dried...

      Kay :)

  2. Thanks for sharing your lovely pics...I hope the piggies are pets!
    Jane x

    1. Thanks Jane,

      We're not sure, but we hope so too.

      The campsite is on an organic farm, so it's doubtful... I think the pigs were breeders, as they were all female - They're well cared for, but probably only until they stop reproducing & then they'll probably turn up on a supermarket bacon slicer...

      It turned our stomachs the morning the farmer & family rounded up the cows in such a brutal way & herded them into the slaughter truck. They might have lived good (short) lives, but their last moments on the farm were traumatic & we found that very distressing.

      I think we'd better do more research next time we go camping.

      Kay :)

  3. It all looks wonderful. So glad the weather was kind for you, especially as you ran naked through the Cornish countryside LOL
    I have always wanted to sleep in a yurt after watching a documentary about nomadic Mongols living in Gurrs.

  4. Wow, what a lovely getaway! It looks absolutely perfect, especially considering all of the free roaming animals there were. Mike would have had to physically tear me away from the pigs. I'm extremely fond of them. <3

    I'd love to go skinny dipping again. It's been a very long time since I last did it. It's so much fun!


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