St Ewe Country Fair

St Ewe is another small village in our parish & is about 2 miles away from where we live.
The country fair is a big annual event & our transition group had a stall, so we went along to help out.
This is the first time we have visited the fair - we are not really keen on seeing animals being made to perform & this was the main attraction.
As it was our day off & we were still exhausted from the last couple of days, we didn't turn up until the afternoon...

After torrential rain early morning, it turned out to be quite a hot day...

Dog Show

Looking for our stall...

The muddy man was saving or trying to save goals...


Plate smashing...
Such a bizarre waste of crockery!

Craft marquee - people selling their wares...

Alpacas on parade.

Not really a typical British event...

Shire horses...

Cute lambs to look at & stroke.
For us, it's sad to think what happens next to them...

Traditional pipe organ which was playing 'Is this the way to Amarillo?' as we passed...


Beautiful bird


In their tiny pen...

They were all crammed in a trailer & trying to kick their way out as they were leaving...
We also saw one of them spit in their owner's face - which we enjoyed seeing! 

Tug o' war...

8 sheepdogs in the back of a pick up truck! 

Transition St Goran's stall.
Making Gorran Greener or at least trying... 

We made some money on the raffle, which will go towards future events...

Kuti from Cotna

Anna making windmills with the kiddies...

We have another day off today - which is wonderful...

So we're going to venture out somewhere nice!

Kay & Sime


  1. What great fun it all looks. I loved the collies in the back of the truck.
    Have a lovely day together today, I'm gonna try to make home made red pepper hummus today :-O

    1. We loved the collies too - such gentle dogs!

      Have just seen your houmous & it looks delicious!

      Kay :)

  2. I love village fairs. They're a great way to spend a relaxing day and we usually see people we haven't seen all year.
    We stayed in Gorran Haven camping earlier this year and saw signs to St Ewe which I think was very close. We loved the area and had a great time but unfortunatly had to come home early due to gale force winds.
    Teresa x

    1. Hi Teresa - We often get gale force winds here & all the camp sites are very exposed. What a shame we didn't know each other then... We're only a couple of minutes away from Trelispen!

      Kay :)

  3. We don't go to country fairs for the same reason;can't bear to see expolited animals.
    Did you have much interest in your stall? I hope so.
    Jane x
    PS Enjoy your day off!

    1. The stall was there from 10 until 5 & we got 2 new members, but some folks were kind of interested...

      We've had a lovely day thank you!

      Kay :)


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