Pounds Better Off

Being vegan is liberating...

It feels so good to be eating foods that have no link to animal cruelty & the side effects of our diet have brought us good health, strength & happiness - not to mention the loss of unwanted weight!

I have lost over 2 1/2 stone (38 lbs/17kgs/19 bags of sugar) since January...

Sime's lost 2 stone too!

We eat huge amounts of food, but it's all plant based & mega healthy.
We kicked our chocolate habit & no longer crave crappy foods. 
We can eat vegan chocolate now & again & enjoy it - without wanting to eat the whole bar!

We don't eat any oil at home (though difficult when eating out) - we do eat a tablespoon of ground linseeds in our porridge, along with a spoonful of ground hemp seeds.
Our meals are pretty simple, but delicious. We eat a variety of grains every day, at least 10 vegetables & fruits & 3 or 4 different pulses/legumes.

Quitting dairy, eggs & oil has given our bodies a wonderful treat - no more heartburn or indigestion, no food cravings... Just lots of energy, stamina & for me - recovery from an auto-immune system disorder!

We saw this video today & like this guy... 
Hesh Goldstein talks a lot of sense! 

Unfortunately, most of the UK hasn't woken up yet... 

But Ruth & Marcus (who stayed with us last month) are vegan environmentalists & they work hard to educate folks about the benefits of a vegan diet. We believe their tireless work will make a difference & people will begin to make changes to the way they live. 

They present a really interesting & informative radio show. We posted a link to their first radio show here: First Official Guests

Please take time to listen to these:

You may even recognise a couple of people on one of the shows... Hahaha!!!

Have a good week!

Kay & Sime


  1. Gosh! That's amazing, you both look so well! and more importantly feel better! Yey for vegansim!

    1. Thanks Sooz - we can't remember ever feeling so well!

      Kay :)

  2. Wow, congrats on the weight loss to you both. That's so awesome!

  3. You look fantastic! Getting healthy with a side order of slim... yup... that's a good thing!
    Good for both of you ~ woot woot!
    xo Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine - It's not something we've had to work at either. Although I suppose our work is physical...

      Kay :)

  4. wow, this could make the "diet" industry bankrupt!

    I was disappointed Hugo's hair went on the compost heap, I was longing for you say that one of your eco pals had woven it into a useful household object LOL

    1. We did consider contacting a wig company!

      Kay ;)

  5. Impressive weight loss - another 2.5 stones would be great for me - here's hoping. Thanks for putting up the Hesh Goldstein talk - I watched it from start to finish. He's a great advert for a vegan diet, as are both of you. I'll catch up with the radio shows later. x

    1. Thanks Scarlet - I have no doubt you will lose weight & with very little effort! Pleased you liked the video - he seems like a nice guy... Sime & I fancy going over to Hawaii now!

      Kay :)

  6. I was in a store and the clerk guessed I was vegan...I wondered how she knew.
    "I can always tell vegans because of their lovely skin" she replied.
    Another vegan side effect!
    Jane x

    1. Definitely! A friend said to us on Saturday that she could tell we were both tired (we'd cleaned 8 houses in 3 days) as our faces had wrinkles they don't normally have...

      Kay :)

  7. I couldn't agree more with this post! The benefits of being vegan, which extend far beyond ourselves, are almost too numerous to list, and include ones we never even anticipated and weren't part of our original reasons for making this gratifying lifestyle change 12 years ago. Like you we are also oil-free vegans (sure don't miss that greasy mess in the kitchen - though you're right that staying oil-free when eating out presents a far greater challenge than being vegan does), and I too have (had?) an auto-immune disorder. I was diagnosed with MS in 1994 and have been symptom-free - without medication - for many years.

    Yay for vegan power!! I wish more people would discover its many joys and rewards, and think you are very fun and inspiring ambassadors. :-)

    1. Hi Laloofah - that's wonderful! We were vegan for 8 years during the 90s. Unfortunately, dairy & eggs crept back into our diet during our travels & then we moved to Cornwall... We did continue eating vegan meals at home, but I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in 2005. The doctors told me I would never recover, that my thyroid needed removing or killing off... But I refused & they laughed when I talked about strengthening my immune system & going totally vegan again... I vowed to prove them wrong & here I am!

      Life is good & sounds like your's is too!

      Kay :)

  8. WOW over 2 stone well done! The pants say it all...
    You might get me changing my ways yet...

    Love Leanne

    1. Hi Leanne - Thank you!

      Have you seen Forks Over Knives? Maybe this film will help to persuade you too!

      Kay :)

  9. Well done both of you.

    I'm curious about the linseed and hemp on your porridge. What benefits do they bring?

    1. Hi Gai,

      Linseeds & hemp are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, hemp also contains omega-6, amino acids, minerals & is a great plant protein. They are both easily digestible & putting them in our porridge helps to sustain us longer, especially when we're busy!

      Kay :)

  10. Congratulations on the weight loss.

    I usually start my day with oats and seeds, too, sometimes with added fruit. Split linseeds and milled flaxseed are meant to be very good for you, but I'm not feeling the benefit at present as I'm anaemic again and waiting for the iron tablets to work.


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