Life As We Know It

Apologies for yesterday's post...
For those of you who don't know Sime - he is a silly billy & you really shouldn't take much notice of anything he says!

Anyway, here's some photos of the last few days...

Gorran Haven
The beach was packed today - didn't look much like fun to us...

A very chilled out Floobs...
(He's Sime's baby boy)

Our new garden friend...
We call him Froggy the Toad!

And Waspy the Bee!

Sime's home made chilli & turmeric rice.
We use turmeric a lot - it has fantastic medicinal properties...
It inhibits the growth of cancer cells, protects the liver from toxins, can dissolve gallstones, lower cholesterol, alleviate joint swellings, increase joint flexibility & reduce menstrual pain.   

Leftover chilli, rice & salad with baked sweet potatoes & courgettes.
We bake the potatoes dry & sprinkled the courgettes with smoked paprika & soy sauce.

The view from work yesterday afternoon...
A dull, but humid day!

A similar view today from another property just further around the bay.
 The boat in the foreground is pulling 2 people in a dinghy at great speed!

A rainbow at the weekend - just for us...

And us at home tonight!

We've just watched a lovely French film called The Grocer's Son, which has made us want to go to France again...

But for now - we have more fun packed days ahead.
Cleaning houses in hot weather - not nice, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that this weekend's departures leave the cottages a bit tidier than last week... Haha!!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Kay & Sime


  1. Fabulous photos. Thanks for the info about turmeric. I have some in the cupboard so I'll use it the next time I cook rice. We had chili for tea today - I made a huge panful so we may well be having it tomorrow aswell. I always think it's better on the second day.

    1. Hi Scarlet, We always make lots & either have it the day after or put some in the freezer & we agree, always tastes better the next day!

      Onions cooked in a little water & a sprinkle of turmeric are delicious - they make a lovely accompaniment to vegan burgers!

      Kay :)

  2. Aw, that picture of Floobs! The cuteness!!

    You both eat so well and that rainbow is gorgeous. So lovely over the water!

    1. Thanks Molly - we do eat well & love it!

      Floobs is very popular with our guests, as he loves lots of fuss!

      Kay :)

  3. Haha ~ I love kitty totally relaxed and chillin! Too cute!
    Have a good weekend you two!
    xo Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine - he's adorable & loves being cradled in Sime's arms!

      Hope you have a good weekend too.

      Kay :)

  4. Not many people have a view like that from their workplace!

    1. Hi Kath - I know & we never take it for granted!

      Kay :)


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